Sales outside the usual place of business
Consumer protection concerning showcase presentations and the sale of package tours, consumer ombudsman
Seeing as showcase presentations and retail tours have been, in the past, known for their repeated violations of consumer rights (e.g. using aggressive sales techniques to impose overpriced goods on the customers), there has been a strengthening of consumer rights in this area.
In addition to customer rights, as already stated for sales outside of usual commercial premises, (e.g. the right to information from the salesman, the right to withdraw from the contract within the 14 day deadline), the consumer protection law establishes another obligation for the entrepreneur, namely for him to clearly and intelligibly state, on each invitation card, where and when the action will take place, how long it will last, what products and services will be offered and also information about the organizer and sales staff. These data must be then sent (along with a copy of the invitation) to the Czech Sales Inspection, no later than 10 working days before the date of the stated event.
If the customer, despite the above stated risks, decides to visit such an event, it is necessary for him to thoroughly consider the purchase of such goods and go through all the documents before he signs them.
Did you know that you can take advantage of the services of the consumer ombudsman?
If, in spite of everything, consumer rights are in some way breached, the consumer may use the services of the consumer ombudsman, i.e. turn to one of the trade licensing offices, or directly to one of the consumer rights organizations, where he will be given free legal advice (for example, information on how to withdraw from a contract). A list of consumer organizations may be found, for example, on the web pages of the Ministry of Industry and Trade ( in the “Consumer protection” section. Contact with consumer organization staff can also be handled through the trade licensing offices.